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Let’s Talk Transport

4th June 2024

How can Staffordshire’s transport network best support everyone?

What walking routes would you like to see in your community?

As the council develops its new Local Transport Plan, help shape the future by getting involved.

We’re pleased to have been appointed to the county council’s External Sounding Board as it works on its new Local Transport Plan.

As rural communities in particular face many difficulties when it comes to accessing public transport, the council has asked us to canvas the views of our members as to what they would like see included in the new Local Transport Plan to ensure that the transport network supports everyone.

Let’s Talk Transport

Have  your say at ‘Let’s Talk Transport’. 

Let the council know your views – whether it’s on bus services or walking routes – and find out more about how you can get involved in shaping the future of local transport.

Woman getting on a bus