Dark Skies

Starry skies are one of the most magical sights the countryside can offer. Nothing beats looking upwards to see velvety blackness, with twinkling constellations as far as the eye can see.
Our buildings and roads emit light, though, and this can affect our view of truly dark skies. And light pollution doesn’t just spoil our view of the skies – it can also be very bad news for insects and other wildlife.
Staffordshire is home to Cannock Chase. The bad news is that it’s England’s least dark National Landscape (the new name for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty). The good news is that is an oasis of darkness compared to the surrounding built-up areas. We’ve worked with the Cannock Chase National Landscape Partnership to promote the Chase’s dark skies and to produce a Good Lighting Guide.
Star Count 2023
Star Count 2023 took place from 17-24 February 2023.